Rancang Bangun Website Negosiasi Harga PT Mulia Kencana Cahaya Baru Menggunakan React JS dan Firebase

  • Sthefan Marley Tanza Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Oscar Karnalim, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


The advancement of technology in the era of globalization has impacted the operational processes of companies and motivated business entities to keep pace with technological developments. One such technological advancement to date is the creation of websites. Websites can be utilized by business entities to streamline company operations, such as in negotiation processes. PT. Mulia Kencana Cahaya Baru, established in 2014 and operating in the food export sector, has traditionally conducted its transaction processes, resulting in manual recording of negotiation data. Therefore, the purpose of developing a price negotiation feature on the company's website, PT. Mulia Kencana Cahaya Baru, is to facilitate the price negotiation process. The implementation of automated negotiation data recording and providing a platform for buyers and the company to negotiate will create a recorded and integrated negotiation process, thus easing the data recording at PT. Mulia Kencana Cahaya Baru. The development of the price negotiation feature on the website employs technologies such as React, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Authentication, and Firebase Storage, and is designed using use case diagrams and activity diagrams. The testing process to evaluate the functionality of the price negotiation feature involves black box testing and a System Usability Scale questionnaire to assess its utility and ease of use.
