Skrining Mandiri Berbasis Forward Chaining pada Aplikasi Mobile Hidup Bebas Tanpa Tuberkulosis (HEBAT)

  • Axel Shira Sapata Negara Maranatha Christian University
  • Dr. Hapnes Toba, M.Sc.
Keywords: Forward Chaining, Mobile application, Self-Screening, Tuberculosis (TB).


This report addresses the challenge of Tuberculosis (TB) dissemination in Purwakarta by developing a mobile application on the Hebat Mobile platform using the forward chaining method. The research highlights the high incidence of TB cases and the limitations of traditional health information systems in Purwakarta. The report aims to create a screening feature on Hebat Mobile, employing the forward chaining method to efficiently detect TB patients. It involves identifying the flow of self-screening questions and evaluating the feature. The successful integration of TB, Flutter, and Forward Chaining theories is implemented in Dart programming language and Flutter framework. Data sources include collaboration between FSRD-FIT, Purwakarta Health Department, "Sobat TB" mobile app, and online tutorials. System analysis covers use cases, question flows, and UI/UX design. Implementation involves methods, algorithms, and UI/UX execution. The report concludes the success of Hebat Mobile-based mobile app development using forward chaining, effectively addressing TB dissemination in Purwakarta. With a focus on the screening feature, the research efficiently establishes a self-screening question flow, and the evaluation demonstrates adequate performance in detecting TB patients.
