Perancangan e-Human Resource Management Berbasis Web
Companies maintain their existence with human resources. At the same time, companies need to recruit human
resources who meet the companies' own qualifications. Therefore, they need a division that manages human resources, namely
HRD (Human Resource Department). HRD is tasked with screening prospective job applicants who meet the minimum
requirements for vacancies offered by the company. However, HRD experienced difficulties in recruiting. That's what motivated
the author to create an application that makes it much more effective and flexible than before. Web-Based e-Human Resource
Management design is an application that is made for general use. Many companies require an information system design and
management in order to simplify the recruitment process. The theory used in the management and design of this information
system is to develop a structured management within a company. Analysis and system design will be carried out in a company by
making flowcharts, ERD, ER for table schemes and HRD data management, management of selection test schedule data, and
MPP (Man Power Planning using the data obtained. Therefore, analysis will be carried out. and programming to help the
performance of the company's HRD recruitment process. The main feature in this application is that it can promote vacancies,
view application status, schedule interviews, and generate application reports. Based on the creation of this application,
companies can improve efficiency and effectiveness in promoting vacancies and screening human resources.