Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pembelian Laundry Sepatu Berbasis Website
his writing meets the need for more effective and efficient services, where a service provider business has a computerized
system. One of them is developing a web-based service system that is expected to provide information to consumers more quickly. The
Shoentist laundry service information system is currently still using the recording and storing of laundry transaction data m anually
using the recording media in the ledger, so it takes a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to design an adequate information system to
process transaction data automatically. This research aims to build a system that can run transactions effectively and efficiently, thus
supporting the service orientation of the customer. To achieve this goal, the authors approach the research method, namely: direct
observation, interviews, literature, and methods of analysis and system design. This system is designed using UML modeling, while the
programming language used is PHP and MySQL database. This final project produces an information system for shoe laundry
services, including managing input, output data, and transaction data on consumers. Another thing produced is that it makes i t easier
for consumers to place orders or transactions because everything is done online. Therefore, it is expected to overcome the problems
that exist in Shoentist shoe laundry.