Purwarupa Aplikasi Pengelolaan Anggaran Berbasis Website (E-Budgeting)

  • Arief Kurniawan Student
  • Djoni Setiawan, ST., MT.


Managing budget is a problem that almost every company faces. Budget management is a complex problem because in the execution, budget management involves every department in the company.  The purpose of this research is to know how to implement budget management, budget monitoring and budget reporting on a website. The budget management implementation is started from budget formulation and submission, budget revision, budget approbation, budget execution and budget reporting. The software scope of the e-budgeting application are HTML, CSS, Php, MySQL, Chart.js and Datatable. This application is created using php model, view and controller framework (MVC). Based on the test results, it can be summarized that the budgeting management starting from submission until reporting can be accomplished using the application, the user can monitor the budget execution process. So it can be summarized that the purpose of this research is achieved, as well as all the feature based the use case diagram is also achieved because all the features have passed the test.
