Penerapan Metode Collaborative Filtering Pada Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pembelian Studi Kasus : Website Toko Helda Collection

  • Eldha Ramadhanty Mahasiswa IT Maranatha
  • Meliana Christianti J.


Abstract — Helda Collection Shop is a shop that sells hijab and women's clothing. Until now, the Helda Collection shop still uses a manual system in the process of sales and data collection. The owner of the Helda Collection shop wants to have a website so that his shop can sell hijab products and women's clothing online so that it can increase its business reach. The author decides to conduct a final project research entitled "Sales and Purchase Information Systems in a Website-Based Collection Helda Store with Customer Relationship Management". This system will use a database as a storage and retrieval process. This system will be made using PHP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, and MySQL. This system will also be equipped with a Customer Relationship Management method that is used as a recommendation for goods to customers.
