Implementasi Teknologi Internet of Things Untuk Pemantauan Temperatur Udara, Kelembapan Udara, Debit dan PH Air pada Media Tanam Hidroponik

  • Zefanya Laksa Suherman Mahasiswa
  • Bernard R. Suteja


Internet of things is a technology that can combine various types of devices or tools into a system. The implementation of internet of things technology has been carried out in various types of fields. This research will discuss the implementation of the internet of things in hydroponic growing media. internet of things will be used to monitor various parameters in the hydroponic growing media such as air temperature, humidity, water discharge, and pH level in water. The purpose of this research is to be able to design a parameter data collection system on hydroponic garden media and the data can be stored and displayed in the form of graph visualization of the results of data recording that has been done. The entire system will use the internet of things technology by using Arduino Uno as a computer that will run the entire system. The system will use three types of sensors with different functions, which will be used to record the required data according to the purpose of system implementation. In addition to collecting data, the system will also upload data on Thingspeak which will be used as a visualization of the results of data recording that has been done. That way, the results of data recording can be monitored remotely without having to directly do the monitoring manually.
