Rancang Bangun Website Layanan Kepada Masyarakat Tingkat Desa / Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bandung

  • Shafira Putri Kurniawan Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Teddy Markus Z


The implementation of community services consists of a state that accommodates the basic needs of the rights of every citizen of goods, services, and administrative services provided by the public service provider. Community services in villages and sub-districts of West Bandung Regency, still require hardcopy which requires a lot of paper. The development of information technology (hardware, software, and data communication networks) which is increasing, is a necessity in improving the service of certificates, as well as information management. E-Government implementation website is needed to provide services to the public more quickly, accurately, and reliably. The E-Government website system developed in villages and sub-districts provides data on ministry results to be accurate and reliable, because recording data directly from the website services to database and data processing. E-Government website establishes as a place for new interaction between the government and the community and other interested parties, where the use of communication technology with the aim of improving the quality of community services.
