Implementasi Digital Marketing dan Penggunaan Social Media Pada Restaurant Angkringan Bapa Ampi

  • Daniel Arfianto Hendrik Universitas Kristen Maranatha
  • Diana Trivena Yulianti


Abstract — In the current era of globalization technology plays an important role in fundamental changes in the global, regional, and national environment that move very fast. Likewise social media technology that affects many aspects of human life. Angkringan Father Ampi is a restaurant-based business that also uses social media as a means to introduce restaurant profiles and do product marketing and deliver information about new products or events. Angkringan Ayah Ampi uses Instagram and Facebook as social media. social media Instagram and Facebook have analytical features namely Instagram Insight and Facebook Insight which are very helpful in conducting analysis besides Angkringan Father Ampi also uses Google Analytic in conducting analysis.

Keywords— Digital Marketing, Social Media, Angkringan Bapa Ampi, Websites.
