Perbandingan Pengembangan Front End Menggunakan Blade Template dan Vue Js

  • Christian Chastro Mahasiswa
  • Erico Darmawan H.


Front-end is one of the most important parts of a website, because front-end is a part of website that will be seen directly by the user. When developing front-end, can using framework to simplify the process of coding. Because there’s many existing frameworks, this research will use Laravel framework, this framework provides several options for developing front-end website using Blade Template, and also using Vue Js framework. Based on these choices, this research will examine the performance of websites using Blade Template, and Vue Js, and the features that can be used for develope a website. To test performance will use Chrome DevTools Audits panel, this panel is default from Google Chrome browser. Because testing will be performed on local server, this panel can be used to measure the performance from website. After test the performance, it can be concluded website using Blade Template performance is faster than Vue Js. However, Vue Js provides more convenience in developing complex website applications. Blade Template can be used to develop website with fast performance but the website is simple. Vue Js can be used to create complex websites easily but their performance is slow.
