Pemodelan Aplikasi Keuangan Mahasiswa Menggunakan Framework TOGAF 9.1

  • Malaika Ferdyansyah Mahasiswa
  • Tiur Gantini


Student financial applications are very much needed by companies especially university, ‘X’ university is one of the university that has student financial applications. By using the applications, financial management in the company can be done automatically and business processes can be done quickly, precisely and accurately. In carrying out business processes there will be a lot of documents produced,  therefore documentation is needed so that it can be understood how the flow of information systems work and what business processes are carried out in the company. Not only that the documentation also will be useful if one day the company will make some changes, they could use the documentation as a reference. In this study the method that were used for making information system modelling is TOGAF Framework 9.1.
